UFFA still embraces the EACFFPC program as a refresher course for the Freight and Logistics Industry
The URA Customs Commissioner, Dicksons Kateshumbwa officiated at the 8th East Africa Customs and Freight Forwarding Practicing Certificate (EACFFPC) Graduation Ceremony for the 12th intake Friday 23rd March,2018 at Silver Springs Hotel.
It has been our mission to improve the standards of professionalism in the Clearing and Freight Forwarding industry , through our regional body-FEAFFA, and our dear partners the -East African Revenue Authorities the EACFFPC program was born, put in place and is offered to individuals already practicing or those intending to practice in the clearing and forwarding industry to build their capacity.
This program commenced in 2007 with the help of USAID – US Agency for International Development. With assistance from TradeMark East Africa , the EACFFPC curriculum was improved and training capacity expanded in order to achieve a critical mass of 4500 trained customs agents by the turn of 2013.
To-date, more than 5000 clearing and forwarding agents have graduated throughout the region. In 2017 , an MOU was signed to define roles , responsibilities and obligations of Uganda Revenue Authority and the Freight Forwarding Industry as partners in developing , implementing , reviewing and improving the Clearing and Freight Forwarding agents training program in Uganda.
As a result of this MOU, the EACFFPC is now a mandatory pre-requisite for eligibility to apply for the customs clearing and freight forwarding agents licence upon satisfying the other requirements provided by law.
Last Friday, 134 customs and clearing agents ( 12th intake 2016/17) graduated after successfully completed six months of a truly enriching training program.
Notable speakers included The National National Curriculum Implementation Committee Chairlady, Blenda Nakkazi , The Ag AC-HR , Ronald Kasule , Chairman Uganda Clearing and Freight Forwarders Association (UCIFFA) , Lino C , CSD, Herbert Rusoke, Chairman UFFA, Charles Mwebembezi, Dr Mariam Sebunnya of the National Logistics Platform , and Mr Auni Bhaiji, President of the Federation of East African Freight Forwarders Association (FEAFFA).
They all emphasized the need for professionalism and efficiency in trade facilitation.
While speaking to the graduates , CCD, Dicksons Kateshumbwa emphasized the need for them to facilitate trade with a very high level of integrity.
Using the analogy of the Spanish Civil War as told by a general who was very pivotal to the 1930’war. As the general approached the city of Madrid with his 4 columns , he was infiltrated by members of the 5th column. The 5th column was made up of supporters of the federal government that he was fighting against.
These gave him information about the government and he was able to defeat it. The 5th column undermined the federal government strategy from within.
“You the graduates today are in the fourth columns to facilitate trade with integrity. Do not join the 5th columns. When you facilitate traders to cut corners. “, noted CCD.
Certificates were awarded and cake was devoured in honour of the graduates